Sponsor Engagement Policy

Kanban India is a premier global conference organised in India since 2015. All the sponsors of the conference are required to abide by the Sponsor Engagement Policy.

This policy aims to establish guidelines for engaging with sponsors in a manner that aligns with Kanban India's mission and values, fostering mutually beneficial relationships.

  • Event Content - The content of the event/conference/program schedule will not be influenced by the sponsors. Kanban India has the exclusive responsibility to selection of Keynotes, Speakers and Panelists for the event.

  • Kanban India Policies - The sponsors are required to respect the Code of Conduct, Speaker Engagement, Privacy Policy laid down by Kanban India community.

  • Participant Details - The sponsors are not entitled to receive information about individual participants, such as names and contact details. Relevant international regulations must be adhered to, especially the GDPR.

  • Sponsorship Benefits -The benefits for different types of sponsorship are usually laid down in the conference sponsorship detail page at respective event websites.

  • Non-Refundable Fee - All sponsorship fees are non-refundable. In the event that the sponsor chooses to withdraw from the conference, the sponsor will not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid.